目的:回顾性分析 2023 年 5 月云南省凤庆县人民医院收治的 1 例洗牙后出血不止的病例,探讨全身因素引起的口腔操作后出血不止的预防和处理方法。方法:入院治疗后,请心血管内科、药剂科、血液内分泌科会诊,局部采用重酒石酸去甲肾上腺素及冰生理盐水外用,静脉滴注维生素 K、氨甲环酸。结果:48 h 后局部止血,患者生命体征平稳,复查各项指标无明显异常。结论:口腔有创操作前应详细询问患者的病史,对于长期服用抗凝药的患者,尤其是多药联用者,多学科会诊可有效指导治疗,降低术后出血风险。
Objective: To retrospectively analyze a case of uncontrollable bleeding after supragingival scaling that occurred in May 2023 at the People’s Hospital of Fengqing County, Yunnan Province. The prevention and management for uncontrollable bleeding caused by systemic factors after invasive oral procedures was discussed. Methods: Multidisciplinary consultation were conducted with the cardiology, pharmacy, and hematology-endocrinology departments. Local treatment included the application of levonordefrin tartrate and cold saline.Intravenous administration of vitamin K and tranexamic acid was also provided.Results: Hemostasis was achieved locally within 48 hours. The patient's vital signs stabilized, and follow-up laboratory examinations showed no significant abnormalities. Conclusion: A thorough inquiry into the patient's medical history is essential before performing invasive oral procedures. For patients on long-term anticoagulant therapy, particularly those using multiple anticoagulants, multidisciplinary consultations can effectively guide treatment and reduce the risk of postoperative bleeding.
Key words:
金雷, 薛超, 王世美, 蔡伟鑫.
多种抗凝药物联用致牙龈持续出血的临床处置 1 例报告并文献复习
[J]. 《口腔颌面外科杂志》.
JIN Lei, XUE Chao , WANG Shimei, CAI Weixin.
Clinical management of persistent gingival bleeding induced by the combination of multiple anticoagulant drugs: a case report and literature review
[J]. 《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》.