
• 病例报告 •    

自体牙骨粉联合浓缩生长因子在颌骨囊肿中的应用 1 例


  1. (1.新疆医科大学附属第一医院(附属口腔医院)口腔外科门诊,乌鲁木齐 830054;2.宝鸡市口腔医院口腔综合急诊科,宝鸡 721000;3.新疆维吾尔自治区口腔医学研究所,乌鲁木齐830054)
  • 上线日期:2025-02-18

Application of autogenous tooth bone graft combined with concentrate growth factor in jaw cyst:A case report

WANG Shan,DING Chengfang,WANG Ling

  1. (1.Department of Oral Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University Affiliated Stomatological Hospital,Urumqi 830054;2.Oral Comprehensive Emergency Department of Baoji Stomatological HospitalBaoji Stomatological Hospital, Baoji 721000;3.Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Institute of Stomatology,Urumqi 830054)
  • Online:2025-02-18


目的:报告 1 例自体牙骨粉(autogenous bone powder,ATB )联合浓缩生长因子(concentrate growth factor,CGF)治疗颌骨囊肿术后骨缺损的临床效果。方法:对 1 例临床诊断为颌骨囊肿的患者行常规外科手术,刮除囊肿后在骨缺损部位植入 ATB 联合 CGF,术后 6 个月锥形束 CT(cone beam CT,CBCT) 评估其成骨情况。结果:术区骨缺损成骨效果良好。结论: ATB 联合 CGF 可作为颌骨囊肿术后骨缺损的填充材料,并应用于临床。

关键词: 颌骨囊肿, 自体牙骨粉, 浓缩生长因子


Objective: To report the clinical outcome of autogenous bone powder (ATB) combined with concentrated growth factor (CGF) in the treatment of bone defects after jaw cyst surgery. Method: Patients diagnosed with jaw cysts underwent routine surgical curettage of the cysts, followed by implantation of autogenous bone powder combined with concentrated growth factor
into the bone defect area. Bone formation was assessed using cone beam CT (CBCT) 6 months postoperatively. Results: Good bone formation was observed in the surgical area.Conclusion:Autogenous tooth bone powder combined with concentrated growth factors can be used as a filling material for bone defects after jaw cyst surgery and can be applied clinically.

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