《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2017, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 39-. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-4979.2017.01.008

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CBCT for Preoperative Assessment on Bone Mineral Density in Dental Implant Therapy

ZHU Zheng-xian, SONG Meng, PAN Jing-song, LI Chang-zhen   

  1. 1. School of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025; 2. Department of Stomatology, Shanghai  1st Peoples’ Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200080;
    3. Chengdu Shuya Clinic, Chengdu 610000, Sichuan Province China
  • Online:2017-02-28 Published:2017-09-07


朱正娴, 宋   萌, 潘劲松, 李长真   

  1. 1. 上海交通大学口腔医学院,上海   200025;2. 上海交通大学附属上海市第一人民医院口腔科,
    上海   200080;3. 成都舒雅口腔诊所,四川   成都   610000
  • 通讯作者: 潘劲松,主任医师 E-mail:pip0003@163.com
  • 作者简介:朱正娴(1990—)女,江苏盐城人,住院医师,硕士.
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to employ quantitative measurement and analysis of bone mineral density in the planting area in dental implant therapy. Methods: The missing teeth area of 43 cases implant patients were scanned by using dental cone beam CT, the scanning images were treated by examvision software to reconstruct, and 53 pre planting sites of bone density were measured. The data were statistically analyzed by SPSS19.0 software, and the differences between bone mineral density and planting area were analyzed. Results: The average bone density value in mandibular anterior teeth area was the maximum (922.71±182.41) HU, followed by anterior teeth area (692.37±71.55) HU, mandibular posterior area of (542.17±197.40) HU, the bone mineral density value in maxillary posterior region was the minimum (323.57±108.92) HU. There was significant difference in bone mineral density(P<0.05) in the different missing teeth areas. Conclusion: In all pre-planting areas, the mandibular anterior teeth area average bone density value is the highest, while the maxillary posterior region bone mineral density value is the lowest. The lower radiation dose and more user-friendly upright position used for scanning, help CBCT to be the way forward for better dental implant treatment assessment and planning.

Key words: cone beam CT, implant, bone density

摘要: 目的:应用锥形束CT对拟种植区域的骨密度进行定量测量分析,探讨其在种植术前的应用价值。方法:利用牙科锥形束CT机,扫描43例拟种植患者缺牙区,利用examvision软件重建扫描图像,测量53个预种植位点骨密度。利用SPSS19.0软件对数据进行统计分析,并分析不同区域骨密度的差异。结果:下颌前牙区的平均骨密度值最大,为(922.71±182.41) HU;其次为上前牙区(692.37±71.55) HU、下颌后牙区(542.17±197.40) HU;上颌后牙区骨密度值最小,为(323.57±108.92 ) HU。缺牙区域的骨密度比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:所有预种植区域中,下前牙区平均骨密度值最大,上颌后牙区平均骨密度值最小。锥形束CT提供了种植区骨质的情况,对术前种植部位选择,植入和手术方案等提供了重要的参考信息。

关键词: 锥形束CT;  , 种植;  , 骨密度

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