《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2017, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 140-143. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-4979.2017.02.013

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Nylon Thread  in the Treatment of Luxation of Teeth and Alveolar Fracture

MENG Song   

  1. Department of Stomatology, Qujing Municipal First Peoples' Hospital, Qujing 655000, Yunnan Province, China
  • Received:2016-10-26 Revised:2017-04-01 Online:2017-04-01 Published:2017-09-29


孟   松   

  1. 曲靖市第一人民医院口腔医院,云南   曲靖
  • 通讯作者: 孟松,主任医师. E-mail: 819299179@qq.com E-mail:819299179@qq.com
  • 作者简介:孟松(1962—),男,云南陆良县人,主任医师,学士.

Abstract: Objective: To introduce a new material for the fixation of subluxated teeth and alveolar fractures. Methods: 106 patients totally with 264 subluxated teeth during the five years of clinical treatment were assigned, and 13 patients were accompanied with alveolar fracture. The luxated teeth included 172 maxillary incisors, 84 mandibular incisors, and 9 premolars. The subluxation teeth were forced back into normal alignment and ligated with 0.2 mm nylon thread to the adjoining teeth in a figure-of-eight fashion. More stability was gained by banding two teeth. Patients were followed up for 1-36 months. The definition of failure was periodontium swelling and overflow pus, or the X-ray showing alveolar bone and root absorption. Results: After the nylon thread appliance was removed, 246 teeth (93.2%) had become firm attached in position, and 18 diseased teeth failed to treatment. Conclusion:  Nylon thread as a fixation material, is effective in the menagement of luxation of teeth.

Key words: loose tooth, alveolar tooth, fracture of alveolar, nylon line

摘要: 目的:介绍1种新的外伤牙松动、脱位及牙槽突骨折复位固定方法。方法:通过正确的复位,应用0.2 mm尼龙线,将松动或脱位牙两边1~2个正常牙上与需固定的牙连续结扎在一起,反复结扎3道进行固定。结果:经尼龙线在外伤松动牙、脱位牙及牙槽突骨折复位固定方面5年的临床应用,共治疗患者106例,患牙265颗,上前牙172颗、下前牙84颗、前磨牙9颗,伴牙槽突骨折13例。牙周有红肿及溢脓、患牙疼痛不适、患牙松动度大于Ⅰ度以上、X片显示牙槽骨及牙根有吸收,均评价为失败病例。固定后通过1~36个月的随访,共失败10例18颗牙,成功率93.2%。结论:尼龙线固定外伤松动牙、脱位牙及伴有牙槽突骨折移位牙时,是一种行之有效的方法,在固位的稳定性、美观、舒适性方面均取得较好临床效果。

关键词: 松动牙, 脱位牙, 牙槽突骨折, 尼龙线

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