
Instruction for Authors


The Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a professional academic journal supervised by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by Tongji University, with the aim of reporting research in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

This journal follows an online submission process. Please visit www.kqhmwkzz.com (the only submission website) for online submission. The website features functions including author submissions and inquiries, expert remote peer review, online manuscript processing by editors, and the publication of editorial announcements.

1  Columns

The regular columns of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery include: Critical Review, Basic Scientific Study, Oral Implants, Clinical Report, Review, Case Report and so on. The formatting for articles in each column can be referenced from previously published articles.

2  Submission Guidelines

2.1 Submission Method

Authors can submit their manuscripts online through the journal's website. Manuscripts should be written in Word file format. When submitting, authors must select the appropriate column based on the article's category and upload the manuscript. The journal has not partnered with any organization for manuscript solicitation. Any claim of collaboration with the journal for manuscript solicitation is considered an infringement, and the journal will take legal action to protect its legitimate rights and interests.

2.2 Remuneration and Fees

A review fee of 50 RMB is required for submitted manuscripts. If the manuscript is accepted, a page fee of 300 RMB per page will be charged, and 400 RMB per page for color pages. Upon publication, the journal will pay remuneration to the authors in accordance with relevant national regulations and provide two copies of the current issue along with five reprints.

3  About the Authors

Authors are defined as individuals who have made substantial contributions to the paper (generally no more than six authors). The order of authorship should, in principle, be determined based on the level of contribution and agreed upon by all listed authors before submission. As a rule, changes to authorship are not allowed after submission. If a change is deemed necessary, the authors must provide a written explanation to the editorial office, along with a signed consent document from all authors and an official seal from the first author's or corresponding author's affiliated institution. According to international conventions, if no corresponding author is specified, the first author will be considered the corresponding author by default.

4  Manuscript Requirements

4.1 Title

All submissions must include both Chinese and English titles. Titles should be concise, clear, and reflect the main topic of the article. The Chinese title should generally not exceed 20 characters. Avoid using obscure abbreviations or symbols, and subtitles are generally discouraged. For English titles, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, with all other words in lowercase. Articles (e.g., "a," "an," "the") should be avoided whenever possible in English titles.


4.2 Authorship

The authors' names should be listed in order beneath the title, with the author’s institutional affiliation and postal code below the names. The full name of the institution must be provided, including the city and postal code.
The format for author names in English: ZHANG Yier¹, ZHAO San².
The format for author affiliations in English should be the same as in Chinese.
Below the English abstract, please include the following information in the specified format:
[Funding] Name of the funding project (number)
[Author Information] Name, title. E-mail:
[Corresponding Author] Name, title. E-mail:

4.3 Abstract and Keywords

Manuscripts must include a Chinese and English abstract of approximately 300 characters/words, along with 3–8 keywords. For experimental research papers, the abstract should be structured into four sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. For review articles, the abstract should provide a general overview and highlight the innovative aspects of the paper. Abstracts must be written in the third person. Keywords should preferably be selected from the latest edition of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus compiled by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Keywords should be separated by semicolons (";"). All manuscripts must list both Chinese and English keywords, with English keywords corresponding to their Chinese equivalents. Except for special and proper nouns, the initial letters of English keywords should be in lowercase.

4.4 Font and Formatting Requirements

There are no specific font or formatting requirements for the first draft. For revised manuscripts, the Chinese text should be written in SimSun, and the English text should be written in Times New Roman, both with a font size of 10.5. The entire manuscript should be printed with single line spacing.

4.5 Main Text Structure

4.5.1  Format and Hierarchical  Structure Basic research papers are generally divided into four sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Clinical research papers are typically divided into Introduction, Data and Methods, Results, and Discussion. The hierarchical structure should follow a numerical system: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1. Each level of numbering should be aligned to the left, with one Chinese character space before the title. Titles at each level should be concise and clear. The format is as follows:

1 △△△△ Title of the First Level (aligned to the left, occupying two lines)
1.1 △△△△ Title of the Second Level (aligned to the left, occupying one line)
1.1.1 △△△△ Title of the Third Level (aligned to the left, with one space before the text)

4.5.2  Experiment  Materials The sources and countries of drugs and reagents must be clearly stated, along with the names, models, manufacturers, and countries of major instruments and equipment.

Example: DMEM medium (Gibco, USA), fetal bovine serum (Hangzhou Sijiqing Co., China).

4.5.3  Abbreviations  In both the abstract and main text, if a term is lengthy and appears frequently, the full Chinese term should be written out first, followed by the English full name and abbreviation in parentheses, with a comma separating the full name and abbreviation. When abbreviations first appear in the abstract, the full Chinese name should be written out, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. In the main text, the full term should be written out the first time it appears, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Subsequent references should use the abbreviation.

4.5.4  Statistical Symbols  Statistical symbols should be written in italics. For example, the sample size is denoted by n, the sample mean by x̅, the standard deviation by s, the standard error by , the t-test statistic by t, the F-test statistic by F, the chi-squared test statistic by the Greek letter χ², the correlation coefficient by r, and the probability by P, among others.

4.5.5  Units of Measurement and Symbols  This journal follows the guidelines of the National Standard of the People’s Republic of China GB3101-93 "General Principles of the Units of Measurement and Symbols" and requires the correct usage and writing of names and symbols for quantities and units. The unit for "amount of substance" is the mole (mol). The unit for volume is expressed in liters (L) as the denominator (avoid using mm³, dL, etc.). Concentration units are mol/L, mmol/L, and μmol/L. Pressure is expressed in kPa (or Pa). Rotational speed is expressed in r/min. Radioactive activity is expressed in Bq. Absorbed dose is expressed in Gy. Time is expressed using international symbols: d (day), h (hour), min (minute), and s (second). Measurement units should use international symbols in upright letters and observe proper case (upper or lower). Quantity symbols must be written in italics. Within the same compound unit, there should be no more than one slashes; for example, mg/kg/d should be written as mg/kg·dor mg·kg- 1·d- 1.

4.5.6  Numbers  Any content with a clear numerical meaning should be expressed using Arabic numerals. Numbers should be grouped using the three-digit grouping method: starting from the decimal point, group every three digits to the left and right, with a space equivalent to one-quarter of a Chinese character between groups. No grouping symbol should be used, for example, 2 748 456 or 3.141 59. For expressing value ranges and deviations: a range of values such as 3×10³ to 8×10³ should not be written as 3 to 8×10³; a percentage range such as 20% to 30% should not be written as 20 to 30%; when the values have the same unit, the unit of the first value can be omitted, for example, 1.5 to 3.6 mA should not be written as 1.5 mA to 3.6 mA; deviation ranges such as (25±1)℃ and (100±2)% should not be written as 25±1℃ and 100±2%. For dimensions, when multiplying values, the format should be 50 cm×80 cm×100 cm, not 50×80×100 cm or 50×80×100 cm³.

4.5.7  Figures and Tables  Whenever possible, use text to explain content instead of figures or tables. If both figures and tables are included, prefer the table and omit the figure. Both figures and tables should have titles in both Chinese and English, and these titles should be self-explanatory. Tables should generally be formatted as concise three-line tables. Figures and tables should be integrated at appropriate places in the text (immediately following the relevant content) and should not be listed at the end of the text. All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals according to their appearance in the main text, and these numbers should be indicated in the text. Each figure or table should be accompanied by a caption or title. The data in tables should have consistent significant figures for the same metric, and parameters should include the units and symbols (e.g., t/min). For pathological photos, the staining method and magnification should be noted.

4.5.8  Discussion  The discussion should be concise and focused, primarily addressing the new findings of the research, analysis of the results, and any existing issues. Content already covered in the introduction and results sections should not be repeated, and immature conclusions should be avoided.


4.6 References

References should be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text using Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets, with a preference for literature published within the last five years, both domestic and international. If there are 1–3 authors, list all of them; if there are more than 3, list the first 3 authors followed by “et al.” or “” in Chinese. For journal references, the year, volume, issue, and page range should be included. References must be checked for accuracy against the original sources. The references should be arranged in the order they are cited in the text, using square-bracketed Arabic numerals ([1], [2], …) and listed at the end of the article. Corresponding citations should be indicated with superscript numbers in the text. The reference type should be indicated with a single letter: journal [J], book [M], thesis [D], conference paper [C], special issue [P], and standard [S]. The reference format should follow the "Rules for the Citing of Information and Literature References" (GB/T 7714-2015).


    [1] Aparicio C, Manresa C, Francisco K, et al. Zygomatic implants: indications, techniques and outcomes, and the zygomatic success code[J]. Periodontol 2000, 2014, 66(1): 41-58.


Pubdate: 2024-10-17    Viewed: 2326