《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》

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Epidemiological Analysis of 2 492 Patients with Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma in Xinjiang

BUHAILIQIGULI Maimaitituersun, PAZILAITI Xioakelaiti, GU Li,PATIGULI Wusiman, DENG Shuang, ADILI Moming   

  • Online:2019-08-28 Published:2019-12-05

新疆地区2 492例口腔颌面部创伤患者临床流行病学分析


  1. 新疆医科大学第一附属医院口腔医学中心颌面创伤正颌外科,新疆维吾尔自治区 乌鲁木齐 830054
  • 通讯作者: 阿地力·莫明,主任医师. E-mail: adili928@hotmail.com
  • 作者简介:卜海力齐古丽·麦麦提图尔荪(1992—),女,新疆人,硕士研究生. E-mail: 13070438792@sina.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective: To analyze and discuss the epidemiological characteristics of 2 492 patients with oral and maxillofacial trauma in Xinjiang. Methods: In a total of five years from January 2012 to December 2016, patients with oral and maxillofacial trauma hospitalized in different hospitals in Xinjiang were reviewed retrospectively. The collected data included age, sex, etiology, type of trauma, fracture site, and the presence or absence of associated injuries and nerve injury. Results: A total of 2 492 patients with oral and maxillofacial trauma were enrolled, including 1981 male patients and 511 female patients with a gender ratio 3.88∶1 (M/F). The age group of 21-30 years was the largest subgroup in case number for both genders. The most common etiology was traffic accident, accounted for 41.8% of all cases. The mandible (31.97%) was the most common site of fracture, followed by the zygoma (25.3%). The most common associated injury was limb injury (27.5%), followed by brain injury (24.5%) and eye injury (21.4%). The most common nerve injury was the facial nerve injury, accounting for 62.9% of all cases. Conclusion: The incidence of oral and maxillofacial trauma is related to gender, age, and the cause of trauma. Young males are the most vulnerable group. Maxillofacial trauma is often associated with limb, craniocerebral and eye injuries. Traffic accident is the main cause of maxillofacial injury.

Key words: maxillofacial trauma, epidemiology, facial fracture

摘要: 目的:分析新疆地区2 492例口腔颌面部创伤患者的临床流行病学特点,并进行探讨。方法:收集新疆地区2012-01—2016-12期间,在新疆各地医院住院治疗的口腔颌面部创伤病人5年间的病例资料,对每位患者的年龄、性别、创伤原因、创伤类型、骨折部位、全身合并损伤及神经损伤等内容进行临床回顾性分析。结果:收集2 492病例,其中男性1 981例,女性511例,男女比为3.88∶1,21~30岁是好发年龄;职业分布上以农民最多,占44.3%;交通事故是主要的创伤原因,占41.8%;创伤类型中多处骨折最常见(37.4%);骨折部位以下颌骨骨折最为常见(31.97%),其次颧部骨折(25.3%);全身合并伤中最常见的是四肢伤(27.5%),其次是颅脑(24.5%)和眼(21.4%);神经损伤病人124例,其中面神经损伤为78例,占62.9%。结论:口腔颌面部创伤发病率与性别、年龄及创伤原因有关;青壮年男性是好发人群;颌面部创伤往往合并四肢、颅脑和眼睛损伤;交通事故是致颌面部损伤的主要原因,居于首位。

关键词: 颌面部创伤, 流行病学, 颌骨骨折

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