
• 口腔种植学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


沈敏华 张迎娣 李耀俊 黄伟琴 宋霞萍 赵懿 王磊   

  1. 同济大学附属东方医院口腔科,上海,200120
  • 出版日期:2019-02-01 上线日期:2019-11-28
  • 通讯作者: 王磊(1966-),女,山东人,博士,主任医师,Email: leiwang0222@163.com, Tel: 0086?021?38804518
  • 基金资助:

Clinical Analysis of Implantation Accuracy under Digital Guide Plate

SHEN Min-hua, ZHANG Ying-di, GUO Hua-yan, LI Yao-jun, HUANG Wei-qin, HUANG Yuan-liang, WANG Lei   

  1. Department of Stomatology, Affiliated Shanghai DongFang Hospital of Tongji University, Shanghai 200120, China
  • Published:2019-02-01 Online:2019-11-28

摘要: 目的:评估使用牙支持式数字化外科导板引导进行上颌、下颌、前牙、后牙区种植的精准度。方法:术前经过锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomography, CBCT)获得缺牙区颌骨数据信息,扫描上下颌石膏模型获得颌骨数字化模型。采用种植设计软件完成导板的设计,通过快速成型技术完成种植手术导板的制作。在导板引导下完成种植手术。术后拍摄CBCT,将该CBCT 数据导入种植设计软件,与术前种植设计数据进行整合后测量种植体位置与术后实际位置的差异。结果:上颌、下颌、前牙、后牙区1~2颗牙缺失患者共29例,植入种植体共45枚。与种植体术前设计植入位置比较,种植体实际植入位置颈部的平均差距为0.235 mm ±0.208 mm;尖端的平均差距为0.55 mm ± 0.183 mm,深度的平均差距为0.59 mm ± 0.070mm,角度平均差距为2.48° ± 0.378°。其中,前牙的植入误差大于后牙。长度超过10mm的种植体的位置偏差显著高于长度小于10mm的植体。即刻种植与延期种植无显著差异。结论:牙支持式数字化外科导板引导下的种植具备良好的精准度,特别适合应用于即刻种植。同时在增加种植体的长度时应特别注意控制导板的精准度。

关键词: 牙支持式种植导板, 种植导板, 口腔种植牙, 精准度

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of dental support implant guide in different region. Methods: The data from 29 patients with 45 teeth were scanned using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and digital models were acquired by scanning maxillary plaster models. Implant software was employed to process jaw data and digital models in order to design the implant template. Then the stereolithographic (SLA) surgical template was created to guide the surgery. CBCT data was collected again and compared with the data collected before. Deviations between the actual implant position and the planned implant position were analyzed. Results: Central deviation at the hex and apex between the actual implant and the planned implant was almost constant with a mean of (0.235 ± 0.208) mm, mean value of horizontal deviation at the hex was (0.59 ± 0.070) mm, deviation at the angel was(2.48 ± 0.378). There was significant difference between the anterior teeth and posterior teeth. The position deviation of implants with a length of more than 10mm was significantly higher than that of implants with a length of less than 10mm. No significant difference was found between immediate implant and delayed implant. Conclusion: Applied dental support implant guide in implantation has obvious accuracy, especially suitable for immediate implantation, despite there were some deviation.

Key words: Dental support implant guide, Dental implant, Accuracy