《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2013, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 237-243. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-4979.2013.04.001

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Clinical Guidelines for Maxillary Sinus Lift Procedures in Placing Dental Implants

XIE Shang-ting, FANG Min-zhi, CHEN Jia-wei, ZHANG Hao-kai   

  1. Dental Implant Center, ABC Dental Group, Kaohsiung 801, Taiwan, China
  • Online:2013-08-28 Published:2013-11-07


谢尚廷,   方敏智,   陈家玮,   张皓凯   

  1. ABC牙医集团口腔种植中心,中国台湾   高雄   801
  • 通讯作者: 谢尚廷,副教授. E-mail:ceo@abctooth.com.tw
  • 作者简介:谢尚廷 (1962—), 男, 台湾高雄人, 副教授,硕士.

Abstract: Most of peoples lost their maxillary posterior teeth because of the serious periodontal problems that usually associated with significant bone loss around. Thus, lack of enough bone height often became a major challenge to place dental implant at this area.  Around 1985, lateral window sinus lift technique was first introduced to increase the bone height for placing dental implant at maxillary posterior regions by Dr. Boyne and James. Later in 1998, Dr. Summers reported another technique , which is to approach maxillary sinus vertically from the alveolar crest, so called vertical approach technique or crest approach technique. In this paper, I will describe the nature, indications, contraindications, and clinical procedures of both techniques. I will also state the possible complications and their managements. This paper is organized from reviewing reported papers and our clinical experiences, and hopefully, will benefit our readers in understanding the clinical outcomes of sinus lift procedures.

Key words: maxillary sinus lift procedure, dental implant, lateral window sinus lift, crest approach sinus lift, platelet-rich fibrin

摘要: 严重牙周病导致的上颌后牙缺失常伴有严重的牙槽嵴低平。因此,缺少足够的骨高度通常是在这个区域做牙种植的主要困难。1985年 Boyne 与 James 首先提出经上颌窦侧壁开窗的上颌窦底提升术,以提升足够的骨高度来进行上颌后牙种植修复。1998年,Summers 提出了另外一种窦底提升方法,即从上颌牙槽嵴顶垂直向牙根方向,对上颌窦进行窦底提升,称为垂直提升技术或者牙槽嵴入路上颌窦提升术。本文将结合相关文献及我们的临床经验,叙述这两种手术方式的特点、适应证与禁忌证、临床步骤以及可能的并发症和处理方法。希望对读者理解上颌窦提升术有所帮助。

关键词: 上颌窦提升术, 牙种植, 侧壁开窗式上颌窦提升, 牙槽嵴顶入路上颌窦提升 , 富含血小板纤维蛋白

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