《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2014, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 127-132. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-4979.2014.02.009

• Oral Implants Study • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Application of Implant-supported Overdenture with Locator Attachmentsin Patients with Maxillofacial Tumor after Curative Resection

WU Dong, XIAO Yan-jun, LI Tong-jun, ZHENG Jing-yi, HUANG Wen-xiu   

  1. Depatrment of Dental Implant, Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University,
    Fuzhou 350000, Fujian  Province, China
  • Online:2014-04-28 Published:2014-06-27


吴东,   肖妍君,   李桐军,   郑静宜,   黄文秀   

  1. 福建医科大学附属口腔医院种植科,福建   350000
  • 通讯作者: 黄文秀,主任医师. E-mail:E-mail: hwx706@yahool.com.cn
  • 作者简介:吴东(1966—),男,福州人,主任医师,硕士. E-mail: wudong510_5@hotmail.com
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Objective: To discuss the application of implant-supported overdenture with Locator attachments used in patients with maxillofacial tumor after curative resection. Methods: 6 patients with maxillofacial tumor after curative resection were submitted to implant therapy. After a period of 3 to 4 months, overdentures using Locator system were initiated. Questionnaire on the satisfaction rate and periodic examination was applied to these patients. Results: In the follow-up period from 1 to 5 years, no implant was failed and bone resorption was not obvious. The overdenture with Locator attachments were improving in retention and reliability. And the patients were much more statisfied with the stability, comfortablity and mastication of the overdentures. Conclusion: The implant overdenture using Locator system may be useful to solve the problem of retention and stability of complete denture, in maxillofacial tumor resection patients.

Key words:  Locator attachments; , implant-supported overdenture; , maxillofacial tumor; , clinical application

摘要: 目的:口腔颌面部肿瘤切除手术及其他治疗对颌骨造成的创伤可能会对口腔重建修复和功能恢复造成一定的困难。本文旨在介绍口腔颌面部肿瘤术后患者采用Locator附着体支持式种植覆盖义齿修复牙列缺失的应用方法,探讨解决无牙颌导致义齿固位不良的修复新方法。方法:对6例颌面部肿瘤切除术后牙列缺失患者,在颌骨内植入种植体,3~4个月后进行Locator附着体支持的种植覆盖义齿修复,并对其进行定期复查及种植覆盖总义齿满意度情况调查。结果:种植术后,通过1~5年的临床观察,所有种植体均无松动、脱落,Locator附着体支持式种植覆盖义齿固位良好。种植体植入后及负载后X线片对比,显示种植体-骨结合良好,种植体颈部无明显骨吸收。患者戴用Locator基台种植覆盖义齿,义齿的稳定性有明显改善,咀嚼效率提高,使用效果满意。结论:对口腔颌面部肿瘤切除术后的患者,Locator附着体种植覆盖义齿修复提高了义齿的固位力和稳定性,从而改善了患者的咀嚼效率。另外,其摘带、清洁及维护较为方便,这些都大大增强了患者的生活质量及使用信心。但是,Locator附着体种植覆盖义齿仍无法弥补因肿瘤手术导致的面部外形的改变。

关键词: Locator附着体,  ,  , 种植覆盖义齿,  ,  , 颌面部肿瘤,  , 临床应用

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