《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》

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Factors Related to Clinical Image Quality of Panoramic Radiography

ZHANG Li, LI Sheng-jiao, SHI Xiong, KONG Ling-xia   

  1. Department of Radiology, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Tooth Restoration and Regeneration ,Tongji University, Shanghai 200072, China
  • Online:2018-08-01 Published:2019-11-28


张 利, 李生娇, 施 雄, 孔令霞   

  1. 上海牙组织修复与再生工程技术研究中心,同济大学附属口腔医院·同济大学口腔医学院放射科,上海 200072
  • 通讯作者: 李生娇,副教授. E-mail: lshjlchm@163.com
  • 作者简介:张 利(1986—),男,安徽淮北人,技师,学士. E-mail: 1986zhangli@163.com

Abstract: Objective: To explore the influencing factors of image quality of panoramic radiography. Methods: The imaging data of 200 patients from January 1, 2017 to August 30, 2018 were randomly selected and the image quality was analyzed. Results: The major disadvantages of panoramic radiography were an unpredictable distortion of the visualized structures and a low level of reproducibility. Common quality problems of oral panoramic films included various artifacts(13 cases), image overlap (2 cases), distortion (8 cases), over or under exposure (1 case), incomplete display (2 cases).Image quality as class A was 81%, class B was 13%, class C was 6%, and no waste products. Conclusion: The quality problems are affected by many factors, technicians should design patients' positions correctly according to clinical requirements, and strictly follow the operation process in order to obtain high quality oral panoramic films.

Key words: panoramic radiograph, image quality, artifact

摘要: 目的:探讨口腔全景片的图像质量影响因素。方法:随机抽取2017-01-01—2018-08-30间在同济大学附属口腔医院放射科,数字化口腔全景片拍摄的200例患者影像资料,对其影像质量进行分析。结果:甲级片81%,乙级片13%,丙级片6%,无废片。结论:口腔全景片常见的质量问题包括各种伪影,图像重叠、变形、左右不对称、显示不完全等。这些质量问题受诸多因素的影响,放射科医生应根据临床要求,正确设计患者体位,严守操作流程才能获得高质量的口腔全景片。

关键词: 全景片, 图像质量, 伪影

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