《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2024, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 459-463. doi: 10.12439/kqhm.1005-4979.2024.06.007

• Oral Implants • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Observation of the application of socket shield technique in the immediate implantation of a single tooth in the aesthetic region of maxilla

HU Haojie1(), LIU Xiaoke1, LI Gaiming1, WANG Liming1, FAN Kaiyu1, TANG Xiaoyu2   

  1. 1 Department of Stomatology, Luohe Central Hospital (First Affiliated Hospital of Luohe Medical College), Luohe 462000
    2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nanyang Stomatological Hospital, Nanyang 473005, China
  • Received:2023-04-18 Accepted:2024-01-05 Published:2024-12-28 Online:2024-12-23
  • Contact: HU Haojie


胡豪杰1(), 刘晓珂1, 李改明1, 王黎明1, 范凯宇1, 汤晓雨2   

  1. 1 漯河市中心医院(漯河医学高等专科学校第一附属医院)口腔科,漯河 462000
    2 南阳市口腔医院口腔颌面外科,南阳 473005
  • 通讯作者: 胡豪杰
  • 作者简介:

    胡豪杰,副主任医师. E-mail:

  • 基金资助:


Objective: To observe the application of socket shield technique in immediate implantation of single tooth in maxillary anterior region and its effect on labial bony plate and aesthetic effect. Methods: Seventy patients who underwent single maxillary anterior dental implant restoration in our department from September 2019 to September 2021 were selected for this study. The patients were randomly divided into control group (35 cases, immediate implantation) and observation group (35 cases, socket shield technique combined with immediate implantation) according to envelope method. The success rate, complication rate, absorption of labial bone plate, change of soft tissue height, aesthetic effect and satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results: After 12 months of repair, the pink esthetic score (PES), white esthetic score (WES) and satisfaction of the observation group were better than those of the control group (P<0.01), while the absorption of the labial bone plate and the change of soft tissue height were less than those of the control group (P<0.05). The success rate of the observation group was 97.14%, and the complication rate was 2.86%; the success rate of the control group was 94.29%, and the complication rate was 11.43%. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the success rate and the complication rate (P>0.05). Conclusion: The application of socket shield technique in immediate implantation of single tooth in maxillary anterior region can reduce the absorption amount of labial bone plate, reduce gingival atrophy, improve aesthetic effect, improve patient satisfaction, and it is safe and effective.

Key words: socket shield technique, immediate implantation, anterior maxillary region, labial bone plate, aesthetic effect


目的:观察根盾技术在上颌前牙区单颗牙即刻种植中的应用及对唇侧骨板的影响和美学效果。方法:选取2019年9月至2021年9月于我科行上颌前牙区单颗牙种植修复的70例患者进行研究。采用信封法随机将患者分为对照组(35例,即刻种植)和观察组(35例,根盾技术联合即刻种植)。比较2组患者种植成功率和并发症发生率、唇侧骨板吸收量、软组织高度变化量、美学效果和患者满意度。结果:修复12个月后,观察组红色美学指数评分(pink esthetic score,PES)、白色美学指数评分(white esthetic score,WES)、患者满意度均优于对照组(P<0.01),且唇侧骨板吸收量、软组织高度变化量均小于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组成功率为97.14%,并发症发生率为2.86%;对照组成功率为94.29%,并发症发生率为11.43%,2组间成功率和并发症发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:在上颌前牙区单颗牙即刻种植时应用根盾技术,可降低唇侧骨板吸收量、减少牙龈萎缩、提高美学效果、提升患者满意度,是一种安全有效的方法。

关键词: 根盾技术, 即刻种植, 上颌前牙区, 唇侧骨板, 美学效果

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