
• 病例报告 • 上一篇    


张占波, 赵松博, 卜建平, 刘 静, 郭 佳, 孙超超   

  1. 河北省蠡县医院口腔颌面外科,河北 蠡县 071400
  • 出版日期:2018-12-01 发布日期:2019-11-28
  • 通讯作者: 张占波,副主任医师 E-mail:zzp66@126.com
  • 作者简介:张占波(1975—),男,河北蠡县人,本科,副主任医师.

Clinical Study on the Timing of Extraction of Eruption Supernumerary Teeth

ZHANG Zhan-bo, ZHAO Song-bo, BO Jian-ping, LIU Jing, GUO Jia, SUN Chao-chao   

  • Online:2018-12-01 Published:2019-11-28

摘要: 目的:探讨萌出多生牙拔除时机对恒牙萌出的影响。方法:筛选12例多生牙已萌出、乳牙已脱落的病例,在不同的时机拔除多生牙,严密随访每个病例的恒牙萌出情况。结果:晚于恒牙萌出年龄3例,拔除多生牙,引导恒牙萌生;早于恒牙萌生年龄的9例,4例多生牙自行脱落,5例依据恒牙临床生长情况适时拔除,恒牙均自行萌出。结论:萌出多生牙拔除时机不同对恒牙的萌出有很大的影响。萌出多生牙的拔除时机不应以“尽早拔除”为原则,应以恒牙发育的情况决定何时拔除,减少对恒牙萌出的不利影响。

关键词: 萌出, 多生牙, 拔牙时机

Abstract: Objective: To explore the different time of extraction of the erupted supernumerary teeth under different conditions. Methods: 12 clinical cases of deciduous teeth that had been lost and replaced by supernumerary teeth were screened. Different cases were selected tooth removal in different timing, and the permanent tooth eruption of each case was closely followed. Results: The different processing time of multiple teeth had great influence on the formation of surrounding permanent teeth. In 3 cases, supernumerary teeth were extracted beyond the age of permanent tooth initiation, leading to permanent tooth initiation. The growth of permanent teeth was closely observed in 9 cases younger than the age of permanent tooth initiation. Of them, 4 cases lost their permanent teeth spontaneously, 5 cases were pulled out at the right time according to the clinical growth of permanent teeth, all permanent teeth grew well without delay. Conclusion: The time of supernumerary tooth extraction should not be based on the principle of "early extraction", but on the clinical situation of permanent generation.

Key words: initiation, supernumerary teeth, tooth extraction time
