《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2012, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 229-232. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-4979.2012.04.001

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Assessment on the Treatments for Cyst of the Jaws

ZHOU Jian, DU Ruo-hong   

  1. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital of Stomatology, Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,Anhui Province, China
  • Online:2012-08-28 Published:2012-11-01
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  1. 安徽医科大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,安徽  合肥230032
  • 通讯作者: 周健,教授. E-mail:zj@ahmu.edu.cn.
  • 作者简介:周健(1954—),男,安徽阜阳人,教授,主任医师.
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Cysts of the jaws are very common in clinical stomatology. Cysts of the maxilla, mandible, and perioral regions comprise several entities that vary markedly in histogenesis, frequency, behavior, and treatment. Although most cysts in this region are true cysts ( they have an epithelial lining), some entities represent pseudocysts because they are not epithelium-lined. The World Health Organization (WHO) established an International Reference Center for the Histological Definition and Classificatin of Odontogenic Tumors, Jaw Cysts and Allied Lesions at Copenhagen in 1966. Second edition of histological typing of odontogenic tumors was published in 1992. Some of the concepts and principles included in this paper are derived from the monograph. Patients suffered cyst of the jaw can't feel the disease in time because the symptoms of the illness are not very obvious at the onset. According to undergoing cysts treatment for many years, the authors intend to share and assess  the methods of cyst management , especially the therapy of tremendous odontogenic keratocysts which adopt fenestration, filling with calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate turned out to be a satisfactory results.

Key words: jaw cyst, treatment, enucleation, inorganic biological materials

摘要: 颌骨囊肿在临床上十分常见,在疾病的发展过程中,患者多无自觉症状,发现时已较大,对患者颌面部的美观和功能造成很大的影响。笔者根据多年的临床经验,对颌骨囊肿的不同治疗方法进行探讨,尤其对较大的角化囊性瘤(角化囊肿)采用开窗术,并用硫酸钙和磷酸三钙等进行充填,取得较好的效果。

关键词: 颌骨囊肿, 治疗, 刮除术, 无机生物材料

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