《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2014, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 289-. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-4979.2014.04.009

• Oral Implants Study • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of Lateral Sinus Floor Augmentation on CBCT

FENG Hai-nan, CHANG Xiao-feng, DU Liang-zhi, HE Long-long, MENG Zhao-li, LIU Shao-li   

  1. Implant Center,Hospital of Stomatology, Xi`an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710004,Shaanxi Province, China
  • Online:2014-08-28 Published:2021-11-04



  1. 西安交通大学口腔医院种植科,西安   710004
  • 通讯作者: 常晓峰,主任医师. E-mail:changxf@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:冯海楠(1989—),女,山东人,住院医师,硕士. E-mail: 814045858@qq.com
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the reliability of CBCT in the assessment of maxillary alveolar bone and maxillary sinus conditions, and practicality to the lateral maxillary sinus floor augmentation. Methods: 46 patients with missing maxillary posterior teeth, after CBCT scan,decided to underwent lateral sinus floor augmentation were included in this study. 85 implants were implanted immediately, while 11 implants were delayed. After 6~8 months, the final fixed prostheses were fabricated.  Scheduled follow-up was 3, 6 and 12 months later. Results: No membrane perforation occurred in this study. Peri-implantitis, peri-implant mucositis and implant mobility were not found during  follow-up periods. X-ray examination showed the interface of implants and bones have good osseointegration. And no significant shadow was found by the X-ray examination. No subjective symptoms were complained by the patients. The implant survival rate and the operation success rate were 100%. Conclusion: CBCT can provide comprehensive and reliable information to lateral maxillary sinus floor augmentation, and play an important role in the success rate.

Key words: CBCT, lateral sinus floor augmentation, dental implant

摘要: 目的:通过CBCT评估上颌后牙区牙槽骨及上颌窦状况,评价其指导侧壁开窗式上颌窦底提升术的临床效果。方法:以上后牙缺失且经CBCT检查确认,需行上颌窦底提升术的患者46例为研究对象,根据CBCT信息制定手术方案。同期植入种植体85枚,延期植入11枚,术后6~8月完成上部结构修复,修复后3、6、12月定期复查。结果:手术过程中未出现黏膜穿孔,术后随访中未出现种植体周围黏膜炎、种植体周围炎,种植体松动脱落;X线检查种植体周围骨结合良好,未出现明显骨吸收,患者未诉主观不适。种植手术成功率及随访期间种植体存留率均为100%。结论:CBCT可为侧壁开窗式上颌窦提升术提供全面可靠的指导,术前精确测量与检查,对提高成功率具有重要作用。

关键词: 锥形束CT(CBCT);  , 侧壁开窗式上颌窦底提升术;  , 种植义齿

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