《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》

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The Clinical Outcome of a Modified Technique in Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation

CHU De-guo1, SU Yu-cheng2, LI Yong-cheng3, LV Tie-ming1, WANG Lin-dan1   

  • Published:2019-10-28 Online:2019-12-06


楚德国1, 宿玉成2, 李永成3, 吕铁铭1, 王琳丹1   

  1. 1. 清华大学附属垂杨柳医院口腔科,北京 100022;2. 中国医学科学院北京协和医院口腔种植中心, 北京 100032;3. 北京朝阳中西医结合急诊抢救中心 口腔科,北京 100023
  • 通讯作者: 楚德国,教授,E-mail: chudeguo@163.com
  • 作者简介:楚德国(1974—),男,山东潍坊人,主任医师,博士,E-mail: chudeguo@163.com

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome of the modified transcrestal around detached sinus floor elevation technique(TADSFET) in the implant treatment. Methods: A total of 83 implant sites (56 patients) underwent TADSFET with bone grafting from December 2016 to July 2018.CBCT was used to measure the residual bone height(RBH)preoperatively. Implant was placed simultaneously or in a delayed phase according to the RBH. The elevated height and the integrality of the sinus membrane were evaluated by CBCT immediately postoperation. Restoration of the upper structures were performed at least 4 months after operation. The implant survival rate was evaluated during the follow-up. Results: Sinus membrane perforation was observed at 3 implant sites (3.61%) intraoperatively, followed by lateral window sinus floor elevation technique instead of TADSFET for these 3 implant sites. Membrane perforation (6.02%) were observed in 5 sites among the rest 80 implant sites from CBCT immediately postoperation. For the rest 80 implant sites, 1 site was given up, 76 were placed with implants simultaneously, and 3 were placed with implant in a 2-stage manner. The diameter of implants was from 4.0 to 5.1 mm, averaged (4.73±0.35) mm. The length of implants was from 8.0 to 11.5 mm, (averaged (10.27±0.69) mm. The mean RBH for 75 implant sites without sinus membrane perforation was (5.57±1.91) mm, (ranged from 0.88 to 9.27 mm) and the mean elevated height was (8.09±1.99) mm (ranged from 4.54 to 15.14 mm). Average time between operation and permanent restoration was (7.14±2.06) months (ranged from 4 to 15 months), and the average follow-up time after permanent restoration was (9.36±4.60) months (ranged from 1 to 20 months). A total of 3 implants were lost, including 2 before and 1 after permanent restoration, giving a survival rate of 96.25%. Conclusion: TADSFET is a minimally invasive, relatively safe, and reliable technique to elevate the sinus floor. Accepted short-term outcome was observed in the current study.

Key words: dental implant, sinus floor elevation, residual bone height

摘要: 目的:评估一种改良穿牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术在口腔种植修复中的临床效果。方法:在2016年12月至2018年7月期间,于56例上颌后牙缺失患者共83个位点,行穿牙槽嵴顶四周剥离上颌窦底提升术。术前CBCT测量剩余骨高度(residual bone height, RBH),术中植骨,同期或延期植入种植体。术后即刻拍摄CBCT测量上颌窦底提升高度并观察窦底黏膜完整性。术后至少4个月完成修复,随访观察种植体存留率。结果:3个位点术中因上颌窦黏膜破裂改为侧壁开窗上颌窦底提升术,位点黏膜破裂率为3.61%。其余80个位点术后即刻CBCT显示其中5个位点上颌窦底黏膜破裂,位点黏膜破裂率为6.02%。80个位点中76个位点同期种植,3个位点延期种植,1个位点放弃种植。种植体直径为4.0~5.1 mm,平均(4.73±0.35) mm,长度为8.0~11.5 mm,平均(10.27±0.69) mm。上颌窦底黏膜未破裂的75个位点术前RBH为0.88~9.27 mm(平均5.57±1.91 mm),上颌窦底提升高度为4.54~15.14 mm,平均(8.09±1.99) mm。手术至修复时间为4~15个月,平均(7.14±2.06)个月,修复后随访时间为1~20个月,平均(9.36±4.60)个月。2枚种植体于修复前脱落,1枚种植体于修复后脱落,总体种植体存留率96.25%。结论:穿牙槽嵴顶四周剥离发行上颌窦底提升术创伤小,相对安全可靠,短期种植修复效果满意。

关键词: 种植, 上颌窦底提升, 剩余骨高度

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