《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》

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Histological Observation on Changes of Gingival Defect Repair Transplanted by Free Palatal Flap in Mini Pig

GAO Yi-pei, WANG Zuo-lin   

  1. Department of Implant, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Tongji University, Shanghai Engineering Rearch Center of Tooth Restoration and Regeneration, Shanghai 200072, China
  • Online:2018-10-01 Published:2019-11-28


高懿培, 王佐林   

  1. 同济大学口腔医学院,同济大学附属口腔医院口腔种植科,上海牙组织修复与再生工程技术中心,上海 200072
  • 作者简介:高懿培,硕士,gypscorpio@163.com

Abstract: Objective: To explore the application of transplantation of free palatal flap for the repair of gingival defects in the aesthetic zone. Methods: Nine female Bama mini pigs 12-16 months old were selected to establish a 10 mm×10 mm gingival defect model in the distal alveolar ridge of bilateral mandibular canines. These mini pigs were classified into three groups randomly, free palatal flap graft to repair the gingival defect in group A,coverage of gelatin sponge in Group B. The healing situations were investigated in the 3rd day, 7th day, 14th day and 28th day after surgery, and histological changes were investigated by HE and anti-PCNA staining at the 7th, 14th and 28th day after surgery. Results: HE staining shows epithelial layer of transplanted flap is thicker in group A than that in group B. In addition, epithelial proliferates more actively in group A by anti-PCNA staining. Conclusion: Autogenous free palatal flap transplantation plays a vital role in repairing gingival defects by promoting gingival keratinization and epithelial growth.

Key words: Autogenous free palatal flap transplantation, Wound healing, Gingival defects

摘要: 目的:探究腭瓣游离移植在牙龈缺损修复中的应用。方法:选择12~16个月的雌性巴马小型猪9只,于双侧下颌尖牙远中牙槽嵴顶建立10 mm×10 mm牙龈缺损,下颌右侧采用自体同侧上颌前磨牙腭侧游离腭瓣移植修复牙龈缺损(A组),左侧采用明胶海绵覆盖创面(B组)。术后3天、7天、14天、28天观察创区牙龈愈合情况,并于术后7天、14天、28天取创区牙龈组织,HE 染色观察创区组织结构,增殖细胞核抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA)免疫组化染色观察创区组织细胞内PCNA表达情况。结果:HE染色显示自体游离腭瓣移植组(A组)较明胶海绵组(B 组)上皮层更厚,PCNA 免疫组化染色显示A组上皮基底层细胞PCNA 表达量较 B组更高,且差异具有统计学意义。结论:自体腭瓣游离移植移植修复牙龈缺损,能够促进牙龈角化及上皮生长,实现软组织增量,是修复牙龈缺损的有效方法。

关键词: 自体游离腭瓣, 伤口愈合, 牙龈缺损

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