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范震, 王方, 王佐林   

  1. (上海牙组织修复与再生工程技术中心,同济大学口腔医学院·同济大学附属口腔医院种植科,上海 200072)
  • 出版日期:2018-02-28 发布日期:2019-04-16
  • 通讯作者: 王佐林,教授,主任医师. E-mail: zuolin@tongji.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:范震(1975—),女,辽宁沈阳人,主任医师,博士. E-mail: miss.fanzhen@tongji.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:
    中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目, 20152957;国家科技支撑计划项目2014BAI04B07;国家自然科学基金面上项目81271110;国家自然科学基金面上项目 81670962

Academic Consensus Reached in the 5th Oral Implant Committee of Chinese Stomatological Association——the Crestal Approach Sinus Augmentation

FAN Zhen, WANG Fang, WANG Zuo-lin   

  1. (Department of Dental Implantology, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Tongji University, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Tooth Restoration and Regeneration, Shanghai 200072, China)
  • Online:2018-02-28 Published:2019-04-16

摘要: 上颌窦底提升术是解决种植修复时上颌后牙区骨量不足的常用方法。尽管该诊疗技术已经相对成熟,但仍然有众多细节问题存在争议和分歧。2017年11月22日中华口腔医学会第五届口腔种植专业委员会组织国内口腔种植学专家围绕Schnederian membrane的中文名称、经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术的最小余留骨高度、是否应用骨移植材料、骨增量愈合时间等问题进行了讨论。本文总结了会议所达成的共识,以期促进该技术的临床规范应用。

关键词: 上颌窦底提升术, Schnederian membrane, 骨移植材料, 浓缩生长因子(CGF)

Abstract: The maxillary sinus elevation is commonly used to treat posterior maxilla with insufficient bone mass in implant surgery. Although such technique has been relatively mature, there is still much controversy and disagreement on the details. An academic conference was held by the 5th Oral Implant Committee of Chinese Stomatological Association on Nov.22nd, 2017. The conference gathered many domestic specialists of oral implantology, aiming to disscuss several issues such as the name of maxillary sinus membrane, available bone height fit for the transcrestal sinus floor elevation surgery, whether to use bone graft materials and the healing time of bone augmentation. This article summarized the academic consensus reached at the meeting in order to promote the normative clinical application of this technique.

Key words: maxillary sinus elevation, Schnederian membrane, bone graft materials, CGF (concentrate growth factor)
