《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》 ›› 2012, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (5): 346-349. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-4979.2012.05.009

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Significance of Digital Radiography in Mid-facial Fractures

Lü Zheng-wang 1, LU Wei 2   

  1. 1.Department of Radiology,2. Department of Stomatology, Yuxi Municipal People’s Hospital, Yuxi 653100,Yunnan Province,China
  • Online:2012-10-28 Published:2013-01-02


吕正旺1 , 鲁 伟2   

  1. 1.玉溪市人民医院放射科, 2.口腔科,云南 玉溪 653100
  • 通讯作者: 鲁伟,主任医师. E-mail: luwei1999@sina.com
  • 作者简介:吕正旺(1964—),男,云南通海人,主治医师,学士. E-mail: lzwxray@163.com

Abstract: Objective: To summarize the diagnostic significance of digital radiography(DR) in mid-facial fracture patients. Methods: 135 patients suffered from middle facial complex fractures with DR examination were retrospectively analyzed.Projections of radiographic examinations included plain film of the skull, Water’s position, lateral projection of the nasal bone, Caldwell position, Towne position, and modified submentovertical view. Results: In 91 cases, positive frature lines were determined by DR imagines. 31 cases showed indirect signs, while in 13 fracture cases showed negative findings on fractures. Conclusion:Digital radiography may be effective in diagnosis of middle facial combined injuries. Meticulous analysis of the  radiographs and optimization of radiographic projections are helpful.

Key words: mid-facial fracture, digital radiography(DR); Water’s view

摘要: 目的:提高数字X线摄影(DR)对面中部骨折诊断的符合率。方法:回顾性分析135例经CT及手术证实的面中部骨折的DR图像,包括颅骨片、瓦氏位、鼻骨侧位、柯氏位、汤氏位等。结果:135例面中部骨折中91例直接显示骨折线,间接征像提示骨折31例,13例阴性。结论:DR是诊断面中部骨折有效的影像学方法,正确的分析方法和优化的摄影体位有助于面中部骨折的显示。

关键词: 面中部骨折, 数字X线摄影, 瓦氏位

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