摘要: 目的: 尝试建立在口腔专业实验教学中的标准化操作体系。方法: 通过采用标准仿真教学模型系统,在本科实验教学中尝试建立标准化的操作流程以及客观检测和评价标准,并应用于教学实践中。为规范教学内容及教学方法,重新编写了图文并茂的实习手册,并拍摄与之相配套的教学录像及幻灯,使实验教学更为形象、客观,加深学生对理论教学内容的理解。结果: 提高了学生的牙体预备质量及临床前期实习操作的标准化和规范化程度。结论: 口腔专业实验教学中标准化的建立有助于提高本科实验教学的质量。
Abstract: Objective: To establish a standard system of the tooth preparation procedure in preclinical dental education in our school. Methods: A step-by-step operating manual with rich photographs and contents was edited, and matched with the video and power point (PPT) of the operation on a modern phantom system. During this reform, we established a set of standardized operative procedures and detailed score evaluation method. Results: This reform helped to deepen students comprehension of the theories and standardized their manipulation. Conclusion: The establishment of a standardized manual operation procedures in stomatology preclinical teaching is beneficial to improve the quality of tooth preparation.
Key words:
preclinical teaching,
王 方, 范 震, 徐星天. 标准化在口腔专业实验教学中的尝试[J]. 《口腔颌面外科杂志》, 2012, 22(2): 129-132.
WANG Fang, FAN Zhen, XU Xing-tian. A Trial for Establishment of Standardization in Stomatological Preclinical Teaching[J]. 《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》, 2012, 22(2): 129-132.